The unit introduces the student to the study of the New Testament, with a particular focus on the Gospel of Mark. It helps the student to read the New Testament writings aware of their historical, literary and theological nature through a study of the Gospel of Mark. The unit will assist in the development of the student’s coherent and integrated knowledge of God as revealed in Scripture, as well as their confidence in the grace of God as expressed in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The unit contributes to the Diploma of Biblical Theology course by introducing the structure of biblical revelation that will form the framework for biblical interpretation in the course. It focuses on the unfolding self-revelation of God in human history, as revealed in the biblical literature. It will assist in the development of the graduate’s understanding of God's work in this world, through a greater appreciation of how God has revealed himself culminating in the Lord Jesus Christ. The purpose of this unit is to acquaint students with the method and content of biblical theology, and its application to Christian ministry.