The unit introduces the student to the study of the New Testament, with a particular focus on the Gospel of Mark. It helps the student to read the New Testament writings aware of their historical, literary and theological nature through a study of the Gospel of Mark. The unit will assist in the development of the student’s coherent and integrated knowledge of God as revealed in Scripture, as well as their confidence in the grace of God as expressed in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The unit introduces the student to the Pentateuch (Genesis to Deuteronomy), as individual books and as a coherent collection. It helps the student to read the Pentateuch aware of its historical, literary and theological nature, and to understand both its meaning for original readers, and its significance as Christian Scripture. Students will develop their competence as careful readers of the text and be able to show how these ancient texts uniquely reveal and adorn the character of God.
The unit contributes to the DipBT course by drawing on biblical and theological knowledge to form convictions, skills and habits with regards to making disciples of the Lord Jesus with an understanding of the ministry setting in which you function. The purpose of this unit is to grow students in theological understanding and practical skills necessary for disciple-making disciples to maturely respond to Jesus’ Great Commission, within the context of effective church/ministry structures.

The unit contributes to the DBT course by deepening the student’s understanding of the work of Christ at the cross for salvation. It focuses on providing the students with the resources to articulate the penal and substitutionary nature of Christ’s atoning work according to the teaching of Scripture.

The purpose of this unit is to give students confidence in articulating the Biblical testimony to Christ’s gracious sacrifice for sin and to equip them to answer various contemporary critical attitudes towards the theological significance of Christ’s saving work.